Inn on Folsom - 1188 Folsom Street,
		San Francisco, California 94103
Inn on Folsom - 1188 Folsom Street,
			San Francisco, California 94103
Check In: Jan 16
Check Out: Jan 17
1 Room, 2 Adults, 0 Children
Room 1:
Age of child:
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Room 2:
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Age of child:
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Room 3:
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Age of child:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Room 4:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Room 5:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Age of child:
Age of child:

Contact the Inn on Folsom San Francisco Hotel

Inn on Folsom
1188 Folsom Street
San Francisco, California USA 94103
Property Email:  [email protected]

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